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  • ISSN: 2456-8678

International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Distribution of Health Care in Sigi Regency using Analysis of Spatial Structure

Bambang Riadi , Nadya Oktaviani

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-2,Issue-1, January - February 2018, Pages 56-62, 10.22161/ijreh.2.1.7

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Good Health services as part of the important points in the program of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has driven for efficiency and effectiveness of public health services. Spatial analysis of Puskesmas distribution is needed, to know the level of public health service can be seen from the service of puskesmas and doctor. PHC is one of health services by the government in the society, with affordable health care facilities.Integrating Puskesmas into spatial data systems is done by assigning coordinates to each PHC position. The position coordinates of PHC observed using GPS (Global Positioning System). The study parameter used consisted of the distribution of the health center, service coverage, the number of residents and doctors that refer to the Minister of Health Regulation Number. 75 in 2014. The observations in the study area coordinate obtained 19 Public Health Center, 43 Health Center (Pustu) and 81 Clinic (Poskesdes). This study is limited to the availability of health centers and doctors to the analysis unit of the districts. An Analysis is the availability of doctor based on the ratio of the needs of society and the existence of health centers. It based on the number of people who can be served. The spatial analysis using buffering techniques. Efforts to approach the health center to society and the ideal ratio of doctors to serve the society in Sigi has not been fulfilled.

SDGs, spatial analysis, health centers, buffer.

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