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  • ISSN: 2582-9823

International Journal Of Language, Literature And Culture(IJLLC)

Negative Sides of State Professor Council (HDGSNN) with Criminal Case at Banking University HCM City Vietnam – and Applying Malaysian Privacy Law Approach as Reference for dealing with False News of Tuoi Tre and Thanh Nien Newspapers in Vietnam

Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy , Nguyen Trong Diep , Nguyen Anh Thu , Ly Thi Hue , Dinh Tran Ngoc Hien

International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture (IJLLC), Vol-2,Issue-4, July - August 2022, Pages 43-49, 10.22161/ijllc.2.5.10

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Article Info: case method, crimes, publish fake news, Malaysian approach, Thanh nien newspaper, Tuoi tre newspaper


In this study, we highly criticize publishing fake news online of several Vietnam magazines (Thanhnien.vn and Tuoitre.vn) as it may cause misinformation and troubles, anxiety in society. Next, we show criminal cases at HDGSNN (State professor Council- fake Prof Trần Thọ Đạt), and Nguyễn Đức Trung – fake Rector at Banking University HCM city Vietnam (in hindering scientific researches of scientists), and Lê Đình Hạc – fucking guy, fake Doctor at Banking University HCMC Vietnam. We also use this case to teach social sciences students. Next, authors use Malaysian laws approach for solving FALSE NEWS OF TUOI TRE AND THANH NIEN NEWSPAPERS IN VIETNAM during period 2015-2022. Last but not least, Authors also analyze viewpoints of President Ho Chi Minh on publishing activities for educating students better.

case method, crimes, publish fake news, Malaysian approach, Thanh nien newspaper, Tuoi tre newspaper

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