Ashiko Felix Terfa Gaase , Akange Edward Terhemen , Ucherwuhe Samuel Iorver
International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-2,Issue-4, July - August 2018, Pages 137-141, 10.22161/ijhaf.2.4.4
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The market indices of fish products sold in Makurdi Metropolis was studied to ascertain the possible market variables that drive fish marketing in Makurdi. A total of 100 Structured and Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to fish retailers during the research period that lasted for three months (November 2016 - January 2017). 34 (49.30%) Respondents had been into fish marketing or <10 years of whom 54 (78.30%) had non-formal education and used family members (58%) in the business. It was observed that the rural/village markets (22, 31.90%) had the highest sale using wholesale bargain (40, 58.00%) as the unit of sale. The fish sold were mostly from fishermen (54%) and could earn for the retailers a mean net profit of N11,492.03. Spoilage was noted to be the major marketing challenge. It was concluded that adequate measures should be put in place to improve the preservation practice of the catch.