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  • ISSN: 2456-2319

International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Computers(IJEEC)

Drone warfare- A Gray area

Sumedha Manhas

International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computers (IJECC), Vol-8,Issue-5, September - October 2023, Pages 1-4, 10.22161/eec.85.1

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Article Info: Received: 18 Sep 2023; Accepted: 19 Oct 2023; Date of Publication: 30 Oct 2023


The paper delves into the shifting dynamics of international relations in the age of Drone warfare. Through this paper, I explore the complex and morally ambiguous terrain of Drone Warfare in the era of globalisation as the boundaries between nationalism and terrorism are perpetually blurring, striking concerns with the questions of military regulation and ethics surrounding the battlefield and the delegation of AI in decision making during warfare. This paper throws light on the moral dilemma of the operators sitting miles away from the conflict zone, detached from war’s immediate consequence and also centres around accountability and the implication of abdication of human agency within international law.

Drone Warfare, International Relations, Military Regulation, Ethical Dilemma, AI in Warfare

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