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  • ISSN: 2456-7817

International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

Study of the Effectiveness of Government Assistance for Women UMKM in Increasing Family Income in North Kawangkoan District Minahasa Regency

Conny K.M. Palar , Nova Nancy Lontaan , Geertruida J.V. Assa

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-6,Issue-5, September - October 2022, Pages 10-13 , 10.22161/ijebm.6.5.2

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Article Info: Received: 30 Aug 2022; Received in revised form: 22 Sep 2022; Accepted: 30 Sep 2022; Available online: 04 Oct 2022


UMKM can contribute to the Indonesian economy. In general, MSMEs in the Indonesian economy have a major role in economic development, provide the largest employment opportunities, also play an important role in local economic development and community empowerment as well as creating new markets and sources of innovation. Women are not only focused on their role as housewives, but women are also a support in fulfilling the family economy without forgetting their nature and responsibilities as a woman and a housewife at the same time. In general, economic needs encourage a person to behave productively, as well as with women who feel the need to contribute to the economic prosperity of the family. A prosperous family is a family that has been able to meet all basic needs, social psychological needs and family development. This research is a study of the effectiveness of government assistance for women's UMKM in increasing family income, in North Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency. This research raises the problem, namely: How the benefits of UMKM assistance for women entrepreneurs can increase family income. This research is a field research using qualitative method. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation and interviews. The data obtained, analyzed. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis, which consists of three streams of activities that take place simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This technique is used as a reference to make it easier to understand the descriptions presented as the final result of the research. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of government assistance for women's MSMEs in increasing family income in North Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency The results of this study indicate that with government assistance for Women's UMKM in North Kawangkoan District, it can increase family income. This study shows that with the assistance of venture capital through UMKM, women who previously did not work, and did not generate income, can create work businesses so that they can generate income that can support family needs which have an impact on family welfare.

UMKM, Women, Family Income

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