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International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

Reasons for growth and success in the new model of participatory economics using past research

Roya Mahmoudi , Hassan Shakeri , Mansoureh Zare

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-4,Issue-4, July - August 2020, Pages 65-72 , 10.22161/ijebm.4.4.2

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The increasing growth of technologies has led to the creation and development of a sharing economy. Extensive studies have been done in the area of communal economics in the last decade. Each of which has explored the common economy in individual cases, but the key to success and effectiveness in the sharing economy is that there is extensive research that needs to be done in order to pave the way for future research and to create a perspective. Extensive is required. This research provides a comprehensive and systematic review of past research and ways of working to understand past trends and future directions. This review article examines the academic literature and research in collaborative economics to find key concepts and their relevance and provides an integrated view of the definitions of collective economy effectiveness in four dimensions. These are key factors in the success of the sharing economy, which include economic aspects, social factors, emotional values, and the environment. A review of articles and research from 2015 to 2019 using content analysis will be presented in an overall well-understood framework of the sharing economy.

Key Factors, Motivation, Sharing Economy, Value.

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