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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Seasonal abundance and the effect of sowing date on infestation of the pea blue butterfly, Lampedies boeticus L.on cowpeaVigna unguiculata Walp. In Iraq

Hameed H. Al-Karboli , Nuaman H. AL-Janabi

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-1, Issue-3, September - October 2017, Pages 16-20, 10.22161/ijhaf.1.3.4

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A field experiment was carried out at the College of Agriculture/ University of Baghdad to study the seasonal incidence and effect of the sowing date in the infestation of the pea blue butterfly,Lampiedes boeticus L.Results showed that adults began to appear during the first week of June, where the number of eggs and larvae were 4 and 3 per5 plants respectively, then began to increase gradually to its first peak of 8 and 7 per 5 plants in mid-July. The second peak reached 12 and 9 per 5 plants respectively during the middle of October. The infestation began after about 7 weeks of sowing, with infestation rates reaching 10.93 and 24.83%. As for the summer sowing time, it increased during the months of September, October and November to reach a second peak of 27.33, 38.33 and 29.47%, respectively, and its general rates were less than 18.04% , which significantly different from the spring sowing season. The overall rates of loss during the spring season were 31.88%, which is significantly different from the 26.92% during the summer season. The losses caused by the insect during the spring season are higher. The use of these results in the control program for this pest was discussed.

pea blue butterfly, Lampides boeticus, cowpea , seasonal incidence, Iraq.

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