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International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

Challenges and Opportunities of E-Commerce in India: Pathway for Sustainable E-Commerce

Nitin Kumar , Jhensanam Anusara , Md Altab Hossin , Md Kamruzzaman Sarkar , Bouasone Chanthamith , Sita Shah , Md Imrul Hasan Russel

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-2,Issue-2, March - April 2018, Pages 13-21 ,

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The aim of this study is to explore the status of e-commerce in India. It also explores the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in India in the perspective of the global economy. A meta-analysis is employed in this study to determine the objectives. The article has used the secondary materials extensively. It reveals that the speed of growth of e-commerce in India is satisfactory but lower than China and USA. The article finds out same opportunities like India already adopted modern ICTs, 4G technologies, available broadband and so many local e-commerce businesses. But it still faces same problems like poor telecom infrastructure, no strict legal bans, lack of good attitude towards technologies and poor academic syllabus regarding e-commerce. The article suggests that a proper step should be taken by the government and private agencies to implement ICT based academic syllabus, update legal frameworks, developing ICT infrastructure and creating awareness of the man people for effective implementation of e-commerce for sustainable economic growth.

E-commerce, e-business, m-commerce, online banking, India.

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