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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

The Perception of Stakeholders’ on Academic Performance of Junior high School Students: Hard Evidence from the Sanarigu district of Northern Region, Ghana

Daud Osman Kere , Baba Freeman

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-1,Issue-1, May - June 2017, Pages 31-46,

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The study investigated stakeholders’ perception and academic performance of students in Junior High Schools (JHS), with hard evidence from the ChogguCircuit in the Sanarigu District. Simple stratified, proportional random sampling was used to select a sample size of 191, representing 20 percent of the total population of 36 teachers and the entire seven member School Management Committee (SMC) and Parent Teachers Association (PTA) executives of the schools involved. Questionnaire and interview schedule were the main instruments used to elicit responses. Data analysis and interpretation indicated that academic performance of JHSis perceived by stakeholders to be hampered by quality teacher delivery and inadequate / unavailability of educational resources. In the light of these findings, suggestions for improvement in the quality of teaching and learning were made.

stakeholder, perception, proportional, interpretation, improvement, students.

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