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  • ISSN: 2456-8678

International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

The Impact of Development Interventions on Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment Strategies and Outcomes in Eswatini: A Case of Dvokodvweni and Mafutseni Constituencies

K. A. Dlamini , M. V. Dlamini

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-5,Issue-5, September - October 2021, Pages 11-18, 10.22161/ijreh.5.5.3

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Article Info: Received: 25 Sep 2021; Received in revised form: 14 Oct 2021; Accepted: 22 Oct 2021; Available online: 27 Oct 2021


The study investigated women led income generating projects in Mafutseni and Dvokodvweni both constituencies in the Kingdom of ESwatini. The aim was to gain some understanding on ways in which women transform their livelihoods taking into consideration household income, skills training, and access to finance and empowerment. The objectives of the study were to determine development intervention’s influence on rural women’s livelihoods, determining the extent to which these development interventions influence rural women’s livelihoods and how education and training impact their livelihood strategies. The study established that there are an increasing number of women entrepreneurs who are becoming active players in sustainable development. Rural women in these constituencies were found to be playing an important role in economic development and poverty alleviation in their communities. Most income generating activitieshowever, did not increase household’s welfare for women who lack education and training, access to credit and management skills. It was concluded that there is a greater need to empower women for sustainable development if the country is to meet its vision 2022 developmental agenda.

Rural women, economic development, intervention, empowerment, income generating projects and sustainable development.

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