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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Radiobiological and Biophysical Showing of Venom of Macrovipera Lebetina Obtusa

Topchiyeva Shafiga , Abiyev Huseyn

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-1,Issue-3, September - October 2017, Pages 1-12,

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Research objective was studying of influence of ecological factors on radiobiology-cal and biophysical properties of venom of Transcaucasian vipera Macrovipera lebetina obtusa. By method of atomic absorption spectrometry, metal ions Cr, Pb, Cd and Zn was revealed in samples of vipera venom. γ – radiospectrometric studies have shown that the venom samples also contain radionuclides as Ra228, Ra226, K40 and 137 Cs. Analysis of the data shows that the venom of Viperas caught from different regions of the Republic, are almost indistinguishable for the content of radionuclides. All samples of the venom have a lower content of Ra228.Generalizing results on research of infra-red, visible and ultra-violet spectra of absorption of vipera venom, it is possible to ascertain that infra-red, visible and ultra-violet spectra of standard samples of vipera venom and samples irradiated by -radiation are studied and systematized. The received experimental data testify to perspectivity of spectral methods at biophysical and biochemical researches of both snake venom , and preparations on its basis, showing informative at studying of structural changes under the influence of ecological factors.It was established that the radiation dose (up to 1.35 kGy dose) for 3 minutes did not cause structural changes in the samples venom of vipera, but rather contribute to the stabilization of both toxicity and pharmacological activity while increasing the shelf life of aqueous solutions of vipera venom. As a result of experimental studies, a negative effect of metal ions and radiation on the biochemical and biophysical indices of snake venom

snake venom, Macrovipera lebetina obtusa, metal ions, radiation.

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