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  • ISSN: 2456-8678

International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Prospects for improving people’s socioeconomic attributes by investing in road access: an investigative survey of a highland area in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands

Michael Otoara Ha’apio , Lilian Viva Ha’apio

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-2,Issue-5, September - October 2018, Pages 39-47, 10.22161/ijreh.2.5.1

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Sources of livelihood in coastal and highland villages in Solomon Islands vary. Within coastal communities most people rely on subsistence activities, forestry and marine resources while highland people rely on small scale farming or gardening, cultivation of the land, hunting and other subsistence activities. This research report provides a descriptive analysis of the socioeconomic attributes of residents within the highland area of Harisi to Tariuna, East Are’ Are, Malaita Province. A household survey determined income levels and whether people consider road construction necessary for better utilisation of their resources to improve the level of their livelihoods. The highland area residents have abundant land with potential for commercial agriculture and farming. These landowners have participated in planting cocoa, coconut, coffee, and other commercial crops but lack incentives for committed commercial management ofthese small-scale plantations. A major disincentive is the difficulty in transporting these crops to the coastal areas for shipment to either the Honiara or international markets. Also apparent is the increasing movement ofable-bodied landowners from these fertile lands to coastal areas and urban centres in hopeful pursuit of employment and better opportunities. Participants within this site are emphatic that transportation (road infrastructure) is vital to economic development in the area.

Livelihood, road construction, subsistence activities, sustainable development.

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