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  • ISSN: 2456-8678

International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Problem of family farming in western Cameroon

Kenmeugne Kamgaing Pierre , Tohnain Norbert , Tsi Evaristus Angwafo , Dontsa Tsafack Bertold Donald

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-4,Issue-5, September - October 2020, Pages 190-202, 10.22161/ijreh.4.5.4

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Farm family agriculture offers a variety of food to feed the world's populations despite its inadequate means of production. In sub-Saharan Africa, the population is sprinting and there is poor distribution of land for production combined with rudimentary cultivation techniques constitute constraints to high production. In addition, in West Cameroon, the absence of fallow, coupled with inexact fertilization and the use of local seeds, help to curb this agriculture which mostly serves only for domestic consumption. This article analyzes the factors that hinder maximum production with a view to providing solutions. To achieve this, a sample of 83 producers from rural areas of West Region of Cameroon was constituted and supplemented by an interview with resource persons and analysis of satellite maps. As a result, 74% of the land is used by men, leaving only 26% to women who nevertheless produce 80% of the food. The modal size of field is half a hectare with carrying 20.4% of food crops, 15% market gardening and belongs to an average-sized family of 7 to 10 members. In addition, 70% of the population does not practice fallow and use in compound fertilizers. Seeds are collected at 48% from the past harvests, 14% of producers negotiate them directly with their neighbors while 17% of farmers buy them from the local markets in heaps, cups, buckets or bags. Thus to avoid food shortages, the farmers engage in crop associations and time spacing of crops on the same plots, resulting in successive harvests. However, despite the efforts made for production, the expected yields are not obtained. Thus, to optimize productivity, it would be necessary to revise the methods of access to land, use improved seeds, limit crop associations and diffuse farming techniques that are adapted to the environment.

Access to land, Peasant agriculture, Crop association, fertilization, Fallow land, Agricultural production, Local seed, rural arevva.

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