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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Intervention to Reduce the Consumption of Toxic substances from the perspective of Chinese Medicine in Adolescent High school Students

Eduardo Salazar Ledesma , Castañeda Duarte Angélica , Miguel Alberto Gutiérrez Nava , Cesar Rafael Meza Torres , García Piceno Yolanda , Rosa Estela López Gomez , Flor Aguilar Gonzalez , Iris Anaisbeth Osorio Medrano

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-6,Issue-6, November - December 2022, Pages 9-17, 10.22161/ijreh.6.6.3

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Article Info: Received: 29 Oct 2022; Received in revised form: 20 Nov 2022; Accepted: 25 Nov 2022; Available online: 01 Dec 2022


Adolescents have been the object of considerable attention in recent years, despite which knowledge of this period of life is limited; Since the correlation between the development of intelligence and character is still not well known, and the physiological variables that intervene at this age have been established in an incipient way, the main problem of the adolescent is that of the search for personality, since that at this stage he must develop basic values and strengthen his controls to act in society, but at the same time he is pushed to anarchic action. This situation creates rebellion against the family and society for the adolescent, a feeling of misunderstanding, temperament problems, moral problems. In Mexico, 9.2% of adolescents consume tobacco, 30% alcohol and 1.5% other drugs. In the State of Mexico about 70.8% of adolescents consume alcohol, 40.7% tobacco and 22.2% have used illegal drugs. Regarding the municipality of Ecatepec, 28% of adolescents consume alcohol, 22.4% tobacco, 7.7% marijuana and 2.6% consume cocaine. In a general analysis of the background, it was observed that the Municipality of Ecatepec occupies the first place in the State of Mexico, in relation to the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs by high school youth, which constitutes a serious problem of Public Health. Dependence on psychoactive substances or drug addiction, constitute the characteristic syndrome that defines the appearance of disease, aroused by curiosity, group pressure or the search for sensations, continuing with social consumption, aroused more by motivations and "positive" reinforcement. ” that provide drugs and progressing to abuse. Develop an intervention model to improve healthy lifestyles and reinforce the management of emotions in adolescents at risk of addictions, at the Adolfo López Mateos Secondary School 127 in the Municipality of Ecatepec in the State of Mexico . DESIGN: The present work is an intervention study evaluated through a quasi- experimental design. With pre and post intervention evaluation and comparison group. The study population will be students who are between the ages of 11 and 15, divided into two groups.

Adolescent, Intervention, Chinese Medicine, Emotions, Addictions

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