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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change and Adaptation Options in Southwest Cameroon

Defang Taku Julie , Amungwa F.A , Manu I

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-1,Issue-3, September - October 2017, Pages 102-115, 10.22161/ijreh.1.3.11

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In recent decades, scientists have been suggesting that the earth’s climate is fast changing and these changes are expected to have serious economic and social impacts particularly on farmers whose livelihoods depend on agriculture. Adaptation is a necessary option to the adverse impacts of climate change. However, for farmers to manifest adaptation options, they must be aware of changes in climatic conditions and the negative effects on crop yields. This study assessed farmers’ perception of climate change and adaptation options in the Southwest Region of Cameroon. Questionnaires were administered to 680 farmers randomly selected for the study. Results revealed that most farmers perceived climate change as late start and early cessation of rains, decrease intensity of rainfall, increase temperature and intensity of sunshine. Meteorological data coborrates farmers’ perceptions. Despite the fact that climate change had negatively affected cocoyam, plantain, cassava and cocoa cultivated by farmers, few had taken measures to adapt. Majority of farmers adapted to negative impacts on plantain by treating suckers with Mocap before and after sowing. Treatment of cassava cuttings with Mocap before planting was also the coping strategy opted for by most cassava farmers. Change in cocoyam variety cultivated and trees planting were the most common adaptation measures to the negative impacts of climate change on cocoyam and cocoa respectively. There is the need to sensitize farmers on possible adaptation measures and how these measures will reverse the negative impacts, increase crop yields and assure sustainability of livelihood.

Climate change, Perception, Adaptation options, Livelihood.

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