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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Estimation of Greenhouse Gases from Disposal Sites of Selected Abattoirs of Eastern Ethiopia; 2019

Sina Temesgen Tolera , Fekade Ketema Alemu

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-4,Issue-1, January - February 2020, Pages 12-22, 10.22161/ijreh.4.1.2

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Introduction: abattoir waste poses a threat to the wellbeing of individuals and the environment. Abattoir waste disposal sites also contributes to climate change through emission of Green House Gases. In urban areas of developing countries the problem is more severe, however little is known about the exact amount of abattoir waste generated as well as the Green House Gases emitted. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to quantify abattoir waste generation and estimate Green House Gases/GHGs/ from selected disposal sites from December 1st, 2018 to January 2019. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in four selected abattoirs of Eastern Ethiopia. The magnitude of waste composition were computed based on Aneibo mathematical computational from the actual number of slaughtered livestock. While greenhouse gases was computed based IPCC model. Result: The study reported that about 2,026.80kg/day and 804,470.40kg/year (30.6%) of blood waste; 2,015.90kg/day and 920,884.20 kg/year (31.4%) of bone waste; 1,354.25kg/day and 606,607.50 kg/year (21%) of intestinal contents waste; and 1,066.40 kg/day and 461,112.00 kg/year (17%) of tissue; waste and as combined about 6,463.35kg/day and 2,793,074.10kg/year was estimated from four selected abattoirs. From these amount of abattoir wastes disposed on sites of four selected Eastern Ethiopia abattoirs, about 3,790.96 kgCO2-e/day and 1,638,225.38 kgCO2-e/year of greenhouse gases emission was estimated. Conclusion: The study concluded that large amount of abattoir waste is generated and Green House Gases are also formed. Therefore, proper waste disposal and installation of anaerobic digestion plants are recommended as short term and long term measures respectively to ensure environmental safety and public health.

Abattoir, Eastern Ethiopia, Greenhouse Gases, Livestock, Waste generation.

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