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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Effects of the Demographic Characteristics of Students on Gender-Based Violence among Junior Secondary School Students in Osun State, Nigeria

Adeola Ajayi

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-1,Issue-1, May - June 2017, Pages 80-85,

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Gender-based violence is any aggressive action that threatens safety, causes physical, social or emotional harnessed to a person. The number of reported gender-based violence crimes is increasing at an alarming rate daily. Thus, the study assessed the effects of the demographic characteristics of students on gender based violence among junior secondary school students in Osun State, Nigeria. Both primary and secondary sources of data were utilized for the study. A survey research design was adopted. Two thousand (2000) questionnaires were administered to junior secondary school students in all the three senatorial districts of the state, one thousand six hundred and twenty (1620) questionnaires were returned using simple random sampling technique. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Secondary sources of data were sourced from journals, books, internet etc. The findings showed that the demographic characteristics of students (i.e. age, sex, school type and school location) have no effects on gender-based violence. The study concluded that measures should be taken to uphold the human rights of students and related harms to which they are subjected to.

Demographic Characteristics, Gender-Based Violence, Physical Violence, Psychological Violence, Sexual Violence, Significant Influence.

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