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  • ISSN: 2456-8678

International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Contribution of community participation and unmet needs in terms of sexual violence, sexual reproductive health and early pregnancy among adolescents in Haut-Sassandra

Koffi Ludovic Ehouma , August Didier Blibolo , Lucas Delmas Yapo , Rubin Pohor

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-6,Issue-6, November - December 2022, Pages 30-39, 10.22161/ijreh.6.6.6

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Article Info: Received: 01 Nov 2022; Received in revised form: 22 Nov 2022; Accepted: 02 Dec 2022; Available online: 07 Dec 2022


This article analyzes the socio-cultural determinants of community (social) participation used in the framework of the UACA-IDRC participatory action research project entitled "Adolescence, gender-based violence, sexual reproductive health and early pregnancy in Côte d'Ivoire" implemented in the Upper Sassandra region. It is therefore important to ask what is the interest of community participation as a preferred orientation for solving the unmet needs of adolescents. Social norms and translation theories were used to analyze the data collected through documentary research and group interviews. This theoretical posture makes it possible to show how community participation can solve unmet needs in terms of sexual violence, sexual reproductive health and early pregnancy among adolescents. The survey revealed that the participation of adolescents and their parents can take many forms and be characterized by different levels of initiative and control. They take part in decision-making that concerns them and are consulted through discussions and qualitative interviews. Therefore, in the context of social and behavior change, inclusive community responsibility must be articulated around the theoretical foundations of community participation that incorporates participatory mobilization of adolescents and parents.

community participation, unmet needs, sexual violence, sexual reproductive health, early pregnancy, adolescents.

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