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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Assessment of the Preferred Rural Infrastructural Needs of Rural Households in Benue State, Nigeria

T.E. Chancha , S.O. Igwe , G.B. Umbugadu , L.E. Aboga

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-4,Issue-1, January - February 2020, Pages 1-11, 10.22161/ijreh.4.1.1

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The study critically assessed the preferred rural infrastructural needs of households in Benue state, Nigeria. Primary data were used in collecting data for the study, through Questionnaire administration, in-depth interview and physical observation. This was done to elicit responses from households as regard their rural infrastructural preferences. A multistage sampling technique was used to draw the sample size of 212 households. Tables, frequency distribution and one sample t-test was used to analyze the degree of rural infrastructural preference to households needs. The result from the socio-economic characteristics of households revealed that, 32.5% were of the age group of 41-50; 17.5% were of age group of 25-30; 11.3% were of age group of 51-60 and 3.8% were of the age group of 61-70 respectively. As regard household size, more than half of respondent 56.1% had household size class range of 6-10 persons, 42.5% had household size class range of 1-5persons and 1.4% had household size class range of 11-15persons respectively. 27.4% had farm size of 1-3hectares and 1.4% had farm size of 6.1-10 respectively. 34.91% had annual income range of ₦100,001-₦200,000; 17.92% had annual income class range of ₦42,000-₦50,000; 3.30% had annual income range of ₦2001, 000-₦500,000; and 0.94% had annual income range of ₦500,001-₦850,000. The result of the preferred rural infrastructural needs at state and local government level revealed that, rural households infrastructural needs differ significantly from one household and geographical area to the others in Benue state, Nigeria which is significantly due to difference in human wants, choice and taste. Therefore the study recommends that; The lopsidedness pattern of infrastructural development should be avoided and equality in infrastructural development and provision be given more attention by adopting a discriminate investment strategy in infrastructural provision that will favour the under-privileged areas, this will help not only to promote the spirit of distributive justice but also it will go a long way to foster regional balance in our developmental efforts in the state and local government areas at large. Finally, government should encourage the adoption of community development strategy. This has been successfully done in Tanzania.

infrastructure, preferred, assessment, rural, households.

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