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  • ISSN: 2456-8678

International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

An Emergent Carapa oreophila Products Value Chain – A Case Study of The Kilum Mountain Forest Communities, Cameroon

NDZEDZEKA Rose , TCHAMBA Martin , BOBO Kadiri Serge , AKANGA Reuben Johnson , BOYAH K. Julius

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-3,Issue-4, July - August 2019, Pages 129-140, 10.22161/ijreh.3.4.2

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This study focused on the tradable products of Carapaoreophilaand employs ethnobotanic quantitative methods. Semi-structured ethnobotanical questionnaires were conducted to collect information on general knowledge of Carapa oreophila, characteristics of informants; plant parts exploited as well as gathering; processing and storage methods. The reasons for use: market value, points of sales, means of transport, trade channels, constraints and their opinion on resource availability. Ethnobotanic method and descriptive statistic were employed to measure the effect of product exploitation. This paper exposes three traded Carapaoreophilaproducts with high market value. Fuel wood and leave-rodent chain had high market value and high turnovers while wood craft goods, hoe and axe handles had high turnovers but low market value. Leave harvesters are also fuelwood suppliers. The incomes earned by harvesters of the Carapa products are used to meet their domestic demand for money or liquidity preference. Unfortunately, harvest methods and techniques are unhealthy and do not contribute to secure the forest resource. Given its multipurpose uses, we recommend the promotion and enhancement of Carapa oreophila through its domestication and seed oil production to provide significant socio-economic benefits to the local people. To this end, it is necessary to implement strategies to support local communities to actively participate in the conservation and sustainable use of the species as part of the preservation of plant biodiversity.

Carapa oreophila, harvesters, consumer, craft wood, fuel wood, value chain.

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