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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

A Review of Vegetation Cover as a Natural Factor to Soil Erosion

Igwe P.U. , Ezeukwu J.C. , Edoka N.E. , Ejie O.C. , Ifi G.I.

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-1,Issue-4, November - December 2017, Pages 21-28, 10.22161/ijreh.1.4.4

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Soil erosion is a major global environmental problem driven by a number of both natural and anthropogenic factors. The objective of this paper is to conduct a review of previous works on vegetation cover as a natural factor of soil erosion. The study made a review of academic/journal articles, internet materials, conference papers, books and publicly available materials on vegetation as a factor of soil erosion. From the review, previous authors had a unity of opinion that vegetation cover is an important index to evaluate the soils’ sensivity to erosion. Uncovering the soil exposes it to the vagaries of erosion ranging from rainsplash to gully erosion that may be irreversible in forms of badlands. Recommendations of the study include: (1) making legislations mandating landholders to cover their soils using mainly economic trees as a source of livelihoods as well as protecting the soil against the forces of raindrops and runoff; (2) agroforestry by farmers and reforestation programme by governments to increase vegetation cover of soils so as to reduce the impact of raindrops and runoff that detach and transport soil particles; and (3) creation of awareness among the generality of the populace on the importance of vegetation in protecting the soil against erosion and maintaining the world’s climate.

Plant Roots, Rainfall, Review, Soil Erosion, Sustainable Development, Vegetation Cover.

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