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International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

A Review of Global Experiences on using of Indigenous Knowledge in Rangelands Management and Utilization Projects

Reza E. Owfi , Hossein Barani

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-3,Issue-3, May - June 2019, Pages 80-85, 10.22161/ijreh.3.3.1

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With the further advancement of rangeland science in recent decades, the importance of utilizing the indigenous knowledge is further highlighted. However, in many cases, there are some disagreements between executive managers and specialists of rangelands on the one hand, and local communities on the other hand, which is usually due to the importance of each side to certain aspects of effective parameters in pastures. In any case, more attention to local communities and indigenous knowledge in this matter is indisputable and should be used to integrate these two factors. In this paper, the role of utilizing the indigenous knowledge in the utilization of the rangelands and their management and its experiences in Iran and several parts of the world that are located on different continents has been studied, then the results as well as the effectiveness have been discussed for pasture in Iran, and in the end, some suggestions have been made for this purpose in Iran.

Indigenous knowledge, Rangeland management and utilization projects.

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