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International Journal Of Medical, Pharmacy And Drug Research(IJMPD)

Wound dehiscence in surgical procedures and its relationship to increased mortality (a cross-sectional study)

Dr. Ashraf Sami Muhammad , Dr. Ali Ramzi Naji , Dr. Ibrahim Mustafa Siddik

International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research(IJMPD), Vol-6,Issue-6, November - December 2022, Pages 43-50 , 10.22161/ijmpd.6.6.6

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Article Info: Received: 12 Nov 2022; Received in revised form: 01 Dec 2022; Accepted: 05 Dec 2022; Available online: 30 Dec 2022


This study aims to determine outcomes for Wound dehiscence in surgical procedures and its relationship to increased mortality. Twenty-five patients were collected from different hospitals in Iraq with intestinal obstruction, and they were distributed into two groups according to gender (15 males, ten females), and the average age ranged between 25-50 years. This retrospective study included those patients who were after bowel surgery at different hospitals in Iraq between January 6, 2020, and May 27, 2021, where information was obtained by reviewing clinical records.The statistical analysis program IBM SPSS SOFT 18 was also relied upon for the purpose of knowing the true value and standard regression in addition to the percentage of healthy variables to patients. Microsoft Excel 2013 was used for the purpose of describing and analysing demographic data. the results which found of this study collected 25 patients, and MEAN VALUE with slandered div of age patients was 39.4800 ± 6.8, and the type of anaesthesia used in this study was general anaesthesia. Causes of the bowel surgery according to the sex of the patients were (Mesenteric Ischaemia for one female patient and three male patients and Blunt trauma was one patient for both sexes. Bowel surgery, according to emergency basis and elective basis, was the emergency basis for 19 patients and elective for six patients. Association between Surgery * sex * presence of leaks Cross-tabulation were nine patients for an emergency basis and one patient for Elective. In this study, the mortality rate was higher for males than for females (1.4 patients), respectively and we concluded that there is a statistical relationship between the death rate and its prevalence among men

Wound, Dehiscence, Surgical, Anastomosis, Anastomotic Leak.

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