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International Journal Of Medical, Pharmacy And Drug Research(IJMPD)

Survey on Plant Disease Detection using Deep Learning based Frameworks

Surajit Mandal

International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research(IJMPD), Vol-7,Issue-2, March - April 2023, Pages 27-36 , 10.22161/ijmpd.7.2.2

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Article Info: Received: 03 Feb 2023; Received in revised form: 04 Mar 2023; Accepted: 20 Mar 2023; Available online: 30 Mar 2023


Early identification of plant diseases is crucial as they can hinder the growth of their respective species. Although many machine learning models have been utilised for detecting and classifying plant diseases. The advent of deep Learning, a subset of machine learning, has revolutionised this field by offering greater accuracy. Therefore, deep learning has the potential to greatly enhance the accuracy of plant disease detection and classification. Recent research progress on the use of deep learning technology in the identification of crop leaf diseases is reviewed in this article. The current trends and challenges in plant leaf disease detection using advanced imaging techniques and deep learning are presented. This survey aims to provide a valuable resource for the researchers investigating the detection of plant diseases and detection of those using state of the art models for ease of saving time and cost. Additionally, the article also addresses some of the current challenges and issues in the detection process that need to be resolved.

Plant Disease Detection, Deep Learning, Survey, Convolutional Neural Network, Agriculture.

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