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International Journal Of Medical, Pharmacy And Drug Research(IJMPD)

Prevalence of nerve conduction study to determine the prognostic value in Bell’s palsies patients

Dr. Garima Bafna , Dr. Ankit Kumawat

International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research(IJMPD), Vol-4,Issue-1, January - February 2020, Pages 1-3 , 10.22161/ijmpd.4.1.1

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Objective: To assess and compare side to side nerve conduction amplitude and degree of recovery facial nerve in bell’s palsy patients. METHODS: The present study was conducted on 23 Bell’s palsy patients (Aged 20-40 years) within 2week after onset of disease, in department of physiology with collaboration with department of ENT in JLN medical college and attached hospitals, Ajmer. Motor nerve conduction and latency recorded. Patient was made to lie down and surface electrodes were fixed over the skin which is on the nerve and supplying muscle. By stimulating the nerve at two different point and record motor evoke response. Result: Motor response is reduced in facial nerve; If motor response is <10% of normal (moderate-to-severe).recovery time is 6-12month.; If motor response is 10-30% of normal (mild-to-moderate) recovery time is 2-8month.; If motor response is >30% of normal complete recovery expected within 2month. Conclusion: Present study concluded that early recovery (within 2 months) recorded in patients with motor response is >30% of normal as compared to patients with motor response is <10% compared to healthy side. (Within 6-12 months). NCS is used to as an important tool to diagnose and prognoses the facial neuropathy in the Bell’s palsy patients. Significance: Present Study signifies the importance of nerve conduction studies in early initiation of treatment and recovery of facial neuropathy in Bell’s palsy patients.

Bell’s palsy, facial neuropathy, Nerve conduction velocity.

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