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  • ISSN: 2456-8015

International Journal Of Medical, Pharmacy And Drug Research(IJMPD)

Medical System and Artificial Intelligence: How AI assists hospital-dependent patients

Keerada Keeratihuttayakorn , Nattanan Chavanotai , Yanisa Namwat

International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research(IJMPD), Vol-5,Issue-6, November - December 2021, Pages 5-10 , 10.22161/ijmpd.5.6.2

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Article Info: Received: 29 Sep 2021; Received in revised form: 16 Nov 2021; Accepted: 25 Nov 2021; Available online: 02 Dec 2021


The main objective of this study is to examine how artificial intelligence assists hospital-dependent patients and explore the role of artificial intelligence in the medical system. Hospital-dependent patients have become common in current society due to the elderly with multiple chronic conditions and the COVID-19 infection patient. Thus, it is undeniable that the medical field is lacking healthcare workers. However, in a globalized world, artificial intelligence, the field of science and engineering technology that makes intelligent machines perform given tasks, is chosen to be used as a tool for assisting hospital-dependent patients and collecting databases from the patients. Nevertheless, the paper will cover the use of artificial intelligence in the medical system, hospital-dependent patients as well as provide both positive and negative aspects and the comparison of using artificial intelligence instead of human intelligence. To conclude, we detail how artificial intelligence can take part in the medical system, assist hospital-dependent patients and study further the future of artificial intelligence in the medical system.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), bedside patients, hospital-dependent patients, medical systems.

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