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  • ISSN: 2456-8015

International Journal Of Medical, Pharmacy And Drug Research(IJMPD)

Liver Histological Response of Hyperlipidemic Male Rat (Rattus norvegicus) to Lakum Leaf Extract

Prisilia Ariani , Tyas Rini Saraswati , Kasiyati Kasiyati

International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research(IJMPD), Vol-5,Issue-1, January - February 2021, Pages 1-7 ,

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Article Info: Received: 16 Nov 2020; Received in revised form: 02 Jan 2020; Accepted: 12 Jan 2021; Available online: 18 Jan 2021


The leaf of lakum (Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin.) contains compounds that are expectedly antihyperlipidemic. This study aims to determine the liver histological response to the lakum leaf extract and its effect on the levels of SGOT and SGPT in hyperlipidemic male rats (Rattus norvegicus). The male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 treatment groups. P0 was a group of rats that were given standard feed, P1 was a group that were fed with high fat diet, P2 was a group that were fed high fat diet and lakum leaf extract with a dose of 40mg/200g BW (body weight)/day, and P3 was a group were fed high fat diet and simvastatin at a dose of 0.18mg/200g BW/day. High fat diet was given for 30 days, whilst treatments were implemented for 28 days. The histological descriptions showed that the hepatocyte cell repair occurred in the treatment group that was given lakum leaf extract but there were no significant differences in liver weight as well as SGOT and SGPT levels. Lakum leaf extract can be used as an antihyperlipidemic agent whilst maintaining the histology of hepatocytes and would not interfere with the liver function of the hyperlipidemic male rats.

hyperlipidemic, lakum leaf extract, liver, SGOT, SGPT, white rats.

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