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  • ISSN: 2456-8015

International Journal Of Medical, Pharmacy And Drug Research(IJMPD)

Health Care Quality: The impact of hospital quality system in private and public sector on patients’ satisfaction in Kurdistan region of Iraq

Dr. Raad Najm Al-din Anwer

International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research(IJMPD), Vol-5,issue-3, May - June 2021, Pages 24-36 ,

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Article Info: Received: 07 Mar 2021; Received in revised form: 21 Apr 2021; Accepted: 12 May 2021; Available online: 04 Jun 2021


This research focuses on the development of the healthcare system in Kurdistan region in northern Iraq, with particular attention given to the linkage between the quality system introduction by the healthcare providers and patient’s satisfaction. The researcher developed three research hypotheses to measure the impact of hospital quality system in private and public sector on patients’ satisfaction in Kurdistan region of Iraq. A quantitative method used in order to analyze the current study. The random sampling was carried out in locations in Erbil, Sulayimaniah and Duhok. A total of 1400 questionnaires were distributed, however 993 questionnaires were received and being completed properly. The findings revealed that the result of first hypothesis, developed a system of quality management has significantly predicted patient satisfaction (Beta is weight 0.875, p<.001) this indicates that developed a system of quality management will have a direct positive association with patient satisfaction based on this result the first hypotheses supported. As for second research hypothesis, complex systems of quality managementhas significantly predicted patient satisfaction (Beta is weight 0.571, p<.001) this indicates that complex systems of quality managementwill have a positive association with patient satisfaction based on this results the second research hypotheses supported, and finally as for third research hypothesis, focus strategy has significantly predicted patient satisfaction (Beta is weight 0.529, p<.001) this indicates that the introduction of the system of the quality management will have a positive association with patient satisfaction based on this results the third research hypotheses supported.

HealthCare Quality, hospital quality system, private hospital, public hospital, patients’ satisfaction, Kurdistan region of Iraq.

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