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International Journal Of Language, Literature And Culture(IJLLC)

Geographical Perspective of Landslide Prone Area with Respect to Himachal Pradesh

Sitaram Kasana

International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture (IJLLC), Vol-2,Issue-5, September - October 2022, Pages 28-32, 10.22161/ijllc.2.5.6

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Article Info: Received: 18 Aug 2022, Received in revised form: 09 Sep 2022, Accepted: 18 Sep 2022, Available online: 29 Sep 2022


Landslides are the most across the board natural disaster in Himachal Pradesh which builds its spatial degree for quite a while. Landslide is a common natural phenomenon seen in mountainous territory of Himachal Pradesh. It is the most unavoidable of natural dangers that undermine the economic and social advancement of Himachal Pradesh. Natural elements like rainstorms, quake can trigger landslides. It brings an extraordinary death toll and substantial harm to land and property. The fundamental goal of the present examination is to distinguish the reasons for landslides, their effect and to propose vital measures to alleviate the risk in the Himachal Pradesh. The discoveries of the present examination uncovers that it is neither conceivable to stop the landslides nor to totally wipe out their harms however it is conceivable to limit the seriousness of the effect and the harm potential through a few basic measures and settlement strategy with solid open mindfulness.

Landslide, Harm, Natural, Social, Natural, rainstorms.

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