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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

The use of brood pheromones and feeding substitutes in the stimulation of honey bee Apis mellifera L.(Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Kameela W. Shaher , Mina M. Nasrallah

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-2,Issue-1, January - February 2018, Pages 41-45, 10.22161/ijhaf.2.1.5

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The study was conducted at the Apiary site of the College of Agriculture University of Baghdad to evaluate the effect of brood pheromone (Superboost) and feeding substitutes on stimulation of colony growth brood and honey area, building wax foundation and quantity of pollen collected. Results showed that was a significant difference on the amount of change in brood area between treatments. The synthetic pollen patty was given the highest brood area of 234.142 inch2, followed by treatment of superboost brood pheromone, synthetic pollen patty+ superboost brood pheromone, artificial mesquite patty+ superboost brood pheromone and mesquite patty treatment which reached192.857,179.571, 169 and 114.714 inch2 respectively, compared with 77.285inch2 for the control treatment.. Results of the speed of building wax foundation were showed no significant differences within 24 hour for all the treatments. Within 120 hour The highest average of 272 inch2was recorded on colonies treatedoffwith superboost pheromone only and synthetic pollen patty+ superboost brood pheromone , followed by 180, 150 , 120 inch2for the treatment of artificial pollen patty , superboost + mesquite patty and mesquite patty. The highestpollen weight of41.1gmwas observed on colonies treated with super boost only compared with 10.454 , 9.172 and 1.2 gm for other treatments of synthetic pollen patty+ superboost, pollen patty and control treatments . The results of using superboost brood pheromone with locally feeding substitutes for increasing the pollination activating and efficiency of honey bee colonies also discussed.

Brood pheromones, honey bees, Apis mellifera Superboost, feeding substitutes.

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