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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Soybean and Corn crop response to enhanced efficiency phosphate fertilizer

Bruno da Silva Ferreira , Marcus V. Santana , Rafael da Silva Cabral , Edson Matiello , Roberto dos A. Reis Jr

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-5,Issue-1, January - February 2021, Pages 1-9, 10.22161/ijhaf.5.1.1

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Article Info: Received: 11 Nov 2020; Received in revised form: 05 Jan 2021; Accepted: 18 Jan 2021; Available online: 30 Jan 2021


Many agricultural soils worldwide in their natural state are deficient in phosphorous (P). As P is vital for all living beings, as P fertilizers are manufactured from non-renewable resources and as P fertilizer efficiency is generally low, we need to improve the P use efficiency and minimize P fertilizers usage to ensure the future sustainability of our cropping systems. Enhanced-efficiency fertilizers use is one of the strategies to increase P fertilizer efficiency, but there is no consensus on the effectiveness of this type of technology. The need to increase the efficiency of P fertilization and the lack of information about enhanced efficiency P fertilizer justifies studies to evaluate the performance of this kind of fertilizer. Experiments were carried out in greenhouse and field conditions to investigate the effect of P fertilizer coated with anionic polymers (Policote) on corn and soybean crop development and yield, and agronomic P use efficiency. Greenhouse experiments were conducted with corn crop, while field trials were carried out with soybean crop. Greater increases in plant growth parameters, crop yield, soil P content, and fertilizer efficiency use were observed with Policote coated fertilizer than with conventional P fertilizer. The observed changes in P use efficiency among P fertilizers increased our understanding of enhanced efficiency fertilizers. The obtained results demonstrated that Policote coated fertilizer can be used as an enhanced efficiency fertilizer. Results show that Policote coated fertilizer is a more efficient way to deliver required phosphorous to plants than conventional ones.

phosphorus, efficiency use, Policote.

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