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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Perceived effects on community development and poverty alleviation in selected Local Government Areas of Oyo state of Nigeria

Agbebaku E.E. O , Ugioro O. , Orisasona T.M. , Famuyiwa B.S. , Uwagboe E. O , Williams O. A , Oluyole K.A

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-1,Issue-1, May - June 2017, Pages 1-6,

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This research is to evaluate the performance of community Development programmes and poverty alleviation among the rural dwellers in Oluyole and Ibadan North East Local Government Areas of Oyo state. The study is aimed to assess the high rate of Community Development and poverty alleviation in some selected communities.The work was carried out in this local government and random sample techniques were used to select respondents in this study. The sample size used was 600 which gave 40% of the population to be sampled from each of the community. Primary and Secondary data were used for the study. Six hundred and ten (610) questionnaires were personally administered to the respondents randomly selected from the six communities within the Local Government. The data collected was coded and processed into computer and spss software package was used to analysis the data collected. The tools of analysis were frequency distribution (percentage) and Chi-Square analysis.60% of the respondents sampled where male while 40% were female. 46.0% with frequency of 276 were Christian. 12.0% of the people sampled had primary education, 8.0% had secondary education, 38.0% tertiary education, and 8.0% indicated no formal education while 14% indicate others.28.0% of the population was single, 40% were married, and 20.0% were separated while 12.0% were widow (er). Highest level of income was observed in 22% of the respondent that received #30,000 and above per annum. Development Programmes ,such as NAPEP, NDE, FADU, among others, which has help young school leavers and graduates to benefit to different Agricultural Programmes in Oyo State and Nigeria at large. The benefit of Community Development Programme on poverty alleviation has help in improving the life of rural dwellers in Oluyole and Ibadan North East Local of Oyo state, and also in Nigeria in general by putting food on their table and labour employment to populace.

Poverty, Alleviation, Rural, dwellers, Community development, Programmes.

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