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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Nutritional and Phytochemical Properties of Wild Black Plum (Vitex doniana) Seed from Ebonyi State

Uchenna Johnson Amah , Otu Okogeri

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-3,Issue-1, January - February 2019, Pages 32-36, 10.22161/ijhaf.3.1.5

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The present study explores the potential usefulness of wild black plum (Vitex donia) seed from Ebonyi State; by assessment of nutritional and phytochemical attributes of the seed which is usually discarded as waste after consumption of the fruit pulp. Fat and protein were the major nutrients found in the seed, with values of 36.52% and 27.57% respectively. Fatty acid profile showed that monounsaturated oleic acid (58.54%) and saturated palmitic acid (34.24%) are the predominant fatty acids of the seed oil; while amino acid profile showed that thrionine (7.55%) and methionine (6.22%) constitute the major essential amino acids; and proline (8.64%) and glutamic acid (7.33%), the major non essential amino acids. Total essential amino acid content of 37.17% was recorded, indicating that the seed can be considered a good source of essential amino acids. Ash content was 5.18% and is an indication that the wild seed contains reasonable amounts of minerals. In terms of phytochemicals, appreciable amounts of alkaloids (11.40mg/100g) and flavonoids (3.75mg/100g) were recorded, in addition to high level of phenolic compounds (170mg/100g) which suggests that the seed could possess good antioxidant properties. The above findings are indications that great potential exists for wild black plum seed as good source of nutrients and phytochemicals.

Black plum seed; Nutrients; Phytochemicals; Fatty acids; Vitex doniana.

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