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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Macrophytes in Niger Delta Inland Waters

Dienye H.E. , Olopade O.A. , Ikwuemesi J.C.

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-1,Issue-1, May - June 2017, Pages 7-14,

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Aquatic macrophytes functions in several ways in water bodies, they are critical to Niger Delta inland waters because they enhance the physical structure of the habitat which serves as living space for small aquatic animals and play a vital role in fisheries production. Macrophytes play an important role in the aquatic environment but unfortunately very little attention is being directed towards the conservation of these aquatic resources and they can get out of control and create problems when they are not properly managed. This paper examines common aquatic macrophytes in Niger Delta in Nigeria with emphasis on benefits, problems and also proffers best practices for adequately managing the macrrophytes in Niger Delta inland waters.

Macrophyte, Niger Delta Waters, aquatic environment Fish production.

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