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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Growth and Yield of Soybean Direct-seeded following Conventional and Aerobic Rice Intercropped with Peanut and Amended with Organic wastes

Ni Wayan Dwiani Dulur , Wayan Wangiyana , Nihla Farida , I.G.M. Kusnarta

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-4,Issue-5, September - October 2020, Pages 189-195, 10.22161/ijhaf.4.5.2

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Previous studies reported that growing soybean in a dry season following conventional (flooded) rice resulted in lower grain yield compared with following rice cultivated using SRI (system of rice intensification) technique unless it was fertilized with mycorrhiza biofertilizer. This study aimed to examine residual effects of different rice cultivation techniques and organic waste application to the preceding red rice crops on growth and yield components of soybean direct-seeded without tillage following harvest of the preceding rice crop. The experiment on the red rice was arranged according to Split Plot design with three blocks and two treatment factors applied the rice crop, namely rice cultivation techniques as the main plots (T1= conventional, T2= aerobic rice on permanent raised-beds (ARR) without intercropping, T3= ARR + peanut, T4= ARR + peanut + rice straw mulch) and organic wastes applied to the red rice as the subplots (L0= without organic waste, L1= with rice husks, L2= with rice husk ash, L3= with rice husk ash and cattle manure). Results indicated that growth and yield variables of soybean direct-seeded following the red rice crop that showed significant residual effects of both treatment factors applied to the preceding red rice crop were leaf number at 8 weeks after planting, harvest index, grain number and grain yield per clump. Grain yield was highest (18.43 g/clump or 3.69 ton/ha) on soybean plants direct-seeded following aerobic rice grown on permanent raised-bed intercropped with peanut thin covered with rice straw mulch (T4) and amended with rice husk ash and cattle manure (L3), and lowest (8.54 g/clump or 1.71 ton/ha) on soybean plants direct-seeded following conventional rice (T1) without application of organic wastes (L0).

Peanuts, red rice, intercropping, aerobic irrigation systems, row patterns.

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