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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Fulani Sedentarisation in Santa Subdivision of the Northwest Region of Cameroon: A Conflictual Situation with the Native Population

Manu Yusuf Bobbo , Manu Ibrahim , Bime Mary Juliet

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-3,Issue-4, July - August 2019, Pages 194-198, 10.22161/ijhaf.3.4.7

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This study was set up to assess the possibilities of co-habitation between the Fulani pastoralists and the native crop farmers in Santa North West Region of Cameroon. This was linked to the Fulani sedentarisation in the area. The main objective of this study was to provide a fairly comprehensive analysis that would improve our understanding on a better co-habitation between the Fulani grazers and crop farmers in Santa Sub division. Particular emphasis was placed on the socio-ecological relationships that have developed between the Fulani pastoralists and the cultivating communities. The specific objectives were: to investigate the reasons for Fulani sedentarisation in Santa sub division of the North West Region of Cameroon; to examine the impact of Fulani sedentarisation on environmental resources of Santa subdivision; to investigate the reasons for the emergence of conflicts and to assess the possibilities of co- habitation. Our data were collected using questionnaires and interviews, from a sample size of 100 people out of which 50 grazers and 50 crop farmers using the simple random sampling technique. The data were equally analysed through the aid of Microsoft excel 2010 and SPSS. Also, the Department for International development (DFID) and the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) was used to analyse our data. The study had three hypotheses to test and two were fully confirmed while one was not affirmed by the results of our findings. Further results showed that the sedentarisation of the pastoral Fulani and the change in their livelihood strategies has led to their impoverishment. Sedentarisation of the Fulani has contributed to the growing pressure on agricultural lands, thereby threatening the integrity of the environment in the expansion areas of Santa subdivision. The tendency for persistent conflict is due to population growth and expansion. Results show that major causes of farmer-grazer conflicts identified in the study were competition over land, cattle tress passes, encroachment and struggle for leadership. A number of conflict resolution methods were also identified such as dialogue platforms. Traditional councils, farmer-grazer committees, agro-pastoral commissions. Some recommendations were made to the government, local authorities and the concerned parties. Some of these are “intensification of agricultural activities alongside appropriate inputs such as improved seeds, alliance farming among others should be practiced to reduce the pressure on land for agro-pastoral activities.

Native Population, Fulani pastoralists, DFID.

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