Chaitanya Paul , Joydeb Gomasta , M. M. Hossain
International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-1, Issue-4, November - December 2017, Pages 1-12, 10.22161/ijhaf.1.4.1
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A field experiment was conducted with two varieties viz; BARI strawberry-1 and Rabi strawberry-1 and three different planting dates viz; November 01, December 01 and January 01 at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh during November 2015 to March 2016 to study the effects of planting date and variety on growth and yield of strawberry. Significantly higher number of leaves per plant, plant height and leaf area with not significant but earlier flowering and fruit setting were observed in BARI strawberry-1 while number of fruits per plant, yield per plant, yield per hectare and individual fruit weight were found higher in Rabi strawberry-1 but variation was not significant and again dry matter and TSS content of fruit were found significantly higher in BARI strawberry-1. Among the planting dates 1st November planting was found to have the maximum number of leaves per plant, plant height and leaf area with the longest duration to get flowering and fruit setting and finally resulted in maximum number of fruits per plant, yield per plant, yield per hectare and individual fruit weight followed by 1st December and 1st January planting. But dry content and TSS matter content was found maximum in 1st January and 1st December planting, respectively. Again, it was observed that BARI strawberry-1 with 1st November planting gave maximum number of leaves per plant (13.66), tallest plant (22.50 cm) and maximum leaf area (189.38 cm2), while shorter period for flowering (33.66 days), fruit setting (5.33 days) were recorded in BARI strawberry-1 with 1st January planting and early fruit harvesting (16.66 days) was done from BARI strawberry-1 with 1st December planting. On the other hand, number of fruits per plant (20.66) was found maximum in BARI strawberry-1 with November planting but fruit yield per plant (319.22 g), fruit yield per hectare (13.30 t/ha) and fresh individual fruit weight (20.45 g) were found maximum in Rabi strawberry-1 with 1st November planting followed by BARI strawberry-1 with 1st November planting. Thus, singly variety had no significant contribution to growth and yield characters which planting dates lonely possessed. Eventually, 1st November planting in both Rabi strawberry-1 and BARI strawberry-1 yielded maximum having other positive growth characters.