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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Effect of different Altitudes in Qualitative and Quantitative Attributes of Green Coffee Beans (Coffea arabica) in Nepal

Kamal B.K , Bibek Acharya , Arvind Srivastava , Madhav Pandey

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-5,Issue-3, May - June 2021, Pages 1-7, 10.22161/ijhaf.5.3.1

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Article Info: Received: 09 Apr 2020; Received in revised form: 11 May 2021; Accepted: 28 May 2021; Available online: 08 Jun 2021


A study entitled “Effect of different altitudes in qualitative and quantitative attributes of green coffee beans in Syangja district” was conducted to study the variation in quality and quantity of coffee produced within different altitude. The experiment was laid out with seven treatments with ranges of altitude as T1= (800-900) masl, T2 = (900-1000) masl, T3 =(1000-1100) masl, T4 = (1100-1200) masl, T5 = (1200-1300) masl, T6 = (1300-1400) masl and T7 = (1400-1500) masl and each was treated in four different clusters of coffee orchards which replicated the sample four times. From each cluster a sample of 500gm ripe cherries were taken for individual treatment and processed by wet method for Parchment formation followed by its dehulling to form green coffee beans. Parameters like 1000cherry weight, Parchment weight, Green bean weight, Bean density, Parchment recovery, Caffeine content, Productivity and Consumer preference were estimated from a total of 28coffee samples. It was observed that the altitude range of (1400-1500) masl showed maximum mean value of 1000 cherry weight (1989.25±104.19) gm, Parchment weight(126.5±2.38)gm, Green bean weight (105±2.954)gm, Green bean density(687.5 ±8.18)kg/m 3 and Productivity (31.7±2.69) t/ha whereas minimum mean value of caffeine content (1.0285 ±0.02)%. Maximum preference score (0.772) was observed in coffee sample of highest altitude (1400-1500) masl which was given by a team of five persons of coffee experts and consumers. However the effect of treatment seemed insignificant for parchment recovery. With increasing altitude, attributes that depict the quality and quantity of coffee was found to be increasing except the caffeine content. Hence, the higher altitude range 1200masl and above seemed to be instrumental for quality coffee production.

Parchment, Altitude, Coffee, Caffeine.

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