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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Effect of altitude and fruit bearing position on physical quality attributes of mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in Kavre, Nepal

Kiran Timilsina , Kalyani Mishra Tripathi

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-3,Issue-4, July - August 2019, Pages 232-242,

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Mandarin occupies a prominent position in the total fruit sector of Nepal. A study was conducted to assess the physical quality of mandarin in Kavre district of Nepal during February, 2018. Three altitudes (1410, 1540 and 1670 m.asl) and four bearing positions (East, West, North and South) in each tree were taken, from southern facing slope of local mandarin orchard under normal farmer managed practices. Fruits from each sector were scored for total weight, peel weight, peel thickness, length, diameter, juice content, rag and seed content and firmness. The result showed that the peel thickness (4.26 mm), length (51.62mm), firmness (6.04 lb/cm2) were recorded higher in the mandarin harvested from an altitude of 1410 m.asl. Weight (78.37 g), percentage composition of peel (34.91%) and diameter (58.85 mm) were recorded highest in mandarin at an altitude 1540 m.asl. Percentage composition of juice (45.11%), percentage composition of rag and seed (27.62%) was recorded highest in mandarin fruit harvested in 1670 m.asl altitude. Similarly, weight (83.40 g), percentage composition of rag and seed (29.13%), length (49.16 mm) and diameter (59.08 mm) were recorded higher in mandarin on eastern canopy of tree. Percentage composition of juice (47.36%) was recorded higher in mandarin fruit harvested from western canopy. Peel thickness (3.74 mm) and firmness (4.41 lb/cm2) were recorded highest in mandarin harvested from northern canopy of tree. The percentage composition of peel (33.81%) was highest in mandarin of southern canopy. The combined effect of altitude and fruit bearing position had significant effect on percentage composition of juice (P<0.01), percentage composition of rag and seed (P=0.08), length (P=0.016) and firmness (P=0.021). Mandarins at southern bearing position located at 1540 m.asl and lower altitude were comparatively of good quality than of the upper altitude

Canopy Position, Altitude, Physical, Quality Parameters

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