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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Economic Impact Assessment of Social Protection Intervention Programme among Widow Farmers in the Flood Belt of Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Achoja Felix Odemero , Ebiwei Isaac Zipamoere

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-1, Issue-4, November - December 2017, Pages 29-39, 10.22161/ijhaf.1.4.5

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The incidence of widowhood in this Bayelsa State is magnified by the loss of their spouses to militancy in the Niger Delta Region. This has assumed a worrisome dimension and has consequently attracted some level of intervention from government and donor agencies. It is important to assess the economic impact of such intervention of on the welfare of widow farmers in Bayelsa state. The broad objective of the study was to assess the economic impact of social protection intervention programme on widow farmers. Primary data were obtained with a combination of questionnaire and interview schedule. All the 37 registered widow farmers were involved in the study. Collected data were analysed using descriptive statistical tools, T- test and multiple regression analysis. The result shows that income of widow farmers was significantly higher (P < 0.05) after participation in social protection intervention programme. Percentage of benefiting widow farmers in the middle and upper classes increased. The Gini coefficient of 0.13 indicates a relatively even distribution of the impact of the programme among widow farmers. Cases of vulnerability to property loss flood hazards significantly (P < 0.05) reduced after participation in the programme. Social protection intervention progarmme had a multiplier effect on their households in the area of school enrolment (43% returned to school after the flood hazards and subsequent intervention); school drop-out rate reduced by 35%; and malnutrition of children of school age reduced by 62%. Intensity of participation of widow farmers significantly influenced effectiveness of the intervention prograrmme. This study has contributed to knowledge by establishing the linkages between social protection intervention programme and welfare upgrading of climate change-based-vulnerable widow farmers and their households. We recommended among others that widow farmers’ register in the state should be updated periodically to accommodate more widow farmers particularly in the rural areas and more stake holders should give of social protection support in addition to Bayelsa State Government.

Economic Assessment, Social Protection, Intervention, Programme Women Farmers, Bayelsa State.

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