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  • ISSN: 2456-8635 (NAAS Rating: 3.43)

International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Breadfruit Research and opportunities for Future Commercial Development

Azubuike Chris Umezuruike

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-3,Issue-4, July - August 2019, Pages 165-172, 10.22161/ijhaf.3.4.2

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African breadfruit (Treculia africana) is a foodcrop tree with enermous potentials for domestic and industrial uses. African breadfruit seeds are highly priced product. Research studies on African breadfruit seeds are mostly basics with limited contribution of information on the commercial opportunities within breadfruit seed industry.This study evaluated the state of research, challenges and prospects of African breadfruit seed industry with the objectives of identifying commercially viable opportunities that should drive future research studies to profit researchers, seed processors and national economy. .Forty-four (44) journal papers comprising of research articles and communications on African breadfruits were randomly selected and reviewed. Other research papers in areas of economic opportunity were also consulted. Focus was on nutritioonal contributions, utilization, research direction, limitations to commercialization and opportunities of African breadfruit seeds. Results showed that research trend in breadfruit seeds is still basic with limited studies on technological advancement for mechanized seed processing, seed propagation and absence of industrial funded studies.Results showed that 13.64%, 47.73%, 18.18%,20.45% were on technology development, chemical composition assays, novel foods/sensory evaluation of formulated Novel foods and supplementation studies respectively. Some product specific machines have been developed for mechanized dehulling of African breadfruit seeds but still at the point of prototypes. These prototypes could be refined through entrepreneurial investments for enhanced efficiency .Few studies (4.05 %) were on commercialization of African breadfruits. The low awareness about the commercial profile of African breadfruit is attributable to fewer available research information on commercial profile of African breadfruit. Globally market opportunities exist for African breadfruit seed oil as domestic oil, bio-lubricants, bio fuels, whole seed meals for confectionaries and animal feedstock.African breadfruit seed flour has important diet therapy properties for the management of some physiological stress conditions. Purpose driven translational studies are expedient to exploit these opportunities. Government, research institutes, universities and entrepreneurs have critical roles for commercial advancement of the breadfruits industry.

African breadfruit, Research trends, Opportunities,uses.

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