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  • ISSN: 2456-8791

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

The Role of Women Living in the Region Beach Ecotourism in Increasing Family Income in East Likupang District North Minahasa District

Grace O. Tambani , Christian Ronald Dien , Hanny Welly Mewengkang

Article Info: Ecotourism, East Likupang, Family income, The role of women.

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.6.5.4

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


The East Likupang Subdistrict is one of the tourism destinations in North Sulawesi and even in Indonesia. East Likupang District consists of 18 villages and three of them are villages located on the coastline that have a fairly well-known coastal tourism potential, namely Surabaya Beach in Wineru Village, Pal Beach in Marinsow Village, and Pulisan Beach in Pulisan Village. The existence of these three beach tourism destinations helps the economy of the people who live in this beach tourism area. The role of women is carried out to help the husband in making a living which in the end is expected to increase family income so that family needs are met, based on this, this research wants to be carried out. The purpose of the study was to identify and analyze the form of business and activities of women's roles and analyze the amount of women's contribution to family income in the Coastal Ecotourism Area of East Likupang District. The research was carried out in Wineru Village, Marinsow Village, and Pulisan Village using the Purposive Sampling research method, the criteria for respondents were: already settled and living in the Surawaya beach ecotourism area wineru village, Pal Beach Marinsow Village, and Pulisan Beach Pulisan Village, the number of respondents in each village amounted to 20 people so that in total there were 60 respondents. The analytical tools used are Operating Profit, Net Profit, Profit Rate, Benefit Cost Ratio, Rentability, and Break Even Point. The results of the study are various forms of women's businesses living in coastal tourism areas in East Likupang District, namely selling food and soft drinks, renting out toilet services, and renting cottages for visitors where there are two roles of women carried out, namely the domestic role and the public role. The role of women is in the form of a contribution to a family income of 45% of the total family income.

Ecotourism, East Likupang, Family income, The role of women.

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