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  • ISSN: 2456-8791

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

The Characteristics of Rumen Fluid and Digestibility Cocoa Leaves Fermentation With Microorganisme Indigenus Method In -Vitro

Fridarti , N. Jamarun , M. Zain , R.W.S. Ningrat

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.1.4.1

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


The ruminant animal feed ingredients consisting of forage with the combination of grass and legume which were almost limited in availability, the cocoa leaves as agricultural wastes or wastes containing low nutrient plantation low used as alternative feed ingredients. To overcome these problems required a simple technology that is fermentation using microorganisms indigenus so that the effluent quality cocoa can be improved. Indigenus microorganisms were microbes that exist in individuals without disturbing the activities. The purpose of this research was to improve the quality of rumen fluid characteristics and digestibility of cocoa leaves fermented by microorganisms indigenus. The method used in this study was completely randomized design factorial with three replications, treatment factors consist of A as the level of microbes (A1 = 5%, A2 = 10%, A3 = 15%) and factor B as the duration of fermentation (B1 = 2 day, B2 = 4 days, B3 = 6 days) and the variables; the nutrient content and digestibility of cocoa leaves before and after being fermented and the characteristics of rumen fluid in vitro methods. The results showed that the increasing levels of use of microbes and fermentation time can enhance the quality of cocoa leaves that reduce the content of dry material from 31.389 to 25.488% and increase the protein content of the coarse 6.153 to 7.483%. Dry Material digestibility increased from 27.379 to 32.942% and 27.432% Protein 21,435- rough. Rumen fluid characteristics were rumen fluid pH ranges from 7.427 to 7.603, NH3 production ranges from 16.820 - 19,975mg / 100ml, and Volatyl Fatty Acid production from 83.667 to 101.000 mM. The conclusion that increasing the digestibility quality cocoa fruit leather could be made by fermentation by microorganisms indigenus.

Cocoa leaves, fermentation, digestibility, microorganisme, in-vitro.

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