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  • ISSN: 2456-8791 (NAAS Rating: 3.65)

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Potential Distribution and Conservation of Endangered Bird Anthus sokokensis in Ruvu-south Coastal Forest Reserve, Tanzania

Dorah Mbogo , John Baines , Beatus Mwendwa

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.2.4.2

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


Ruvu-South Coastal Forest Reserve forms one of the most important coastal forests in Eastern Africa coastal belt. It provides important ecological habitat for most endemic and endangered fauna and flora species including endangered Sokoke pipit bird (Anthussokokensis). The study evaluated the potential distribution and conservation of globally endangered Sokoke pipit bird in Ruvu Coastal Forest Reserve in Tanzania. Specifically the project assessed the current population size, distribution, and habitat conditions of Sokoke pipit bird in the study area. Using National Forest Inventory protocol, a total of 9 tagged line transects were established 900m from each other and sample plots of 50m x 30m were laid at every 400m along tagged transects. In each sample plot, information about forest floor conditions, forest gaps and signs for forest disturbances were assessed.Study recorded a total of 201 disturbance events along all 13 transects. Tree cutting events were observed at highest frequency rate with 71 incidences compared to others; followed by fire damage incidences. Also the study recorded 28 Sokoke pipit birds distributed in 5 sample plots among all 39 plots surveyed.The mean density ofS.pipit bird found is0.02 birds/ha, with a projected overall bird population estimated at 611 individuals in the entire forest. The study recommends further studies to other parts of the forest reserve so as to identify other fundamental niche, endangered and endemic species. Also to enhance of forest management by local authority and raise conservation awareness to address human-mediated forest destruction.

Sokoke pipit, distribution, population,Ruvu south coastal forest.

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