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International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Origin, non-monetary benefits and perspectives of domestication of Non-Timber Forest Products in the Mifi Division of the West Region of Cameroon

Essouman EPF , Dadem GC , Temgoua LF , Simo DAB

Article Info: Received: 30 Mar 2020; Received in revised form: 02 May 2021; Accepted: 21 May 2021; Available online: 08 Jun 2021

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Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


The objective of this study is to contribute towards the promotion of NTFPs from various origins by assessing their contribution in sustaining the livelihood of communities in Mifi Division and the domestication potential of some of the NTFP species. The study was carried out in the Mifi Division in the West Region of Cameroon. Respondent were drawn from a cross-section of exploiters and marketers. Data were collected through the administration of semi-structured questionnaires and interview guides as well as direct observations with actors including 65 wholesalers, 150 retailers and 120 households. Data analysis was carried out using Excel 2016 to generate tables and graphs, and ARCGIS 10.1 to generate the map of the areas of origin of NTFPs. Results revealed that 29 species are used in the Division but almost all (28 species) come from areas out of Mifi. Parts used for consumption consist of 36,84% fruits, 36.84% seeds, 10.52% leaves, 5.26% sap, 5.26% mushrooms and 5,26% rhizome while their use for medicinal purposes consist of 42,85% barks, 28.57% fruits, 14.28% seeds and 7.14% leaves and rhizome. In total, species are used as food (46.55%), medicine (36.2%), for construction and furniture (6.89%), packaging (6.89%) and cosmetics (3.44%). NTFPs are becoming increasingly rare, reason for the need of an effective domestication of the most used species. NTFPs mainly Garcinia kola and Tetrapleura tetraptera with higher assets and low constraints can potentially be domesticated in the Mifi Division in order to reduce overexploitation and promote sustainable management of NTFPs in the present context of climate change. There are many favorable conditions including, the need of small financial capital, the interest of inter-community groups and available workforce. Some constraints persist such as the lack of young plants, lack of technical assistance and financial support.

non-timber forest products, livelihood, species origin, domestication.

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