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International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Livelihood and income of dairy farmers in Ibadan/ Ibarapa East area of Oyo state, Nigeria

Adedayo Olalekan Sosina

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.4.2.1

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


Dairy production and industry is still at its lowest ebb in sub Saharan Africa. Government and farmers are yet to invest into the dynamic and viable (dairy) industry. The study tries to investigate the livelihood and income of dairy farmers in Ibarapa East area, Oyo state of Nigeria. A multi stage sampling technique was used to elicit information from 225 dairy farmers purposively selected with the assistance of extension agents. Parameters measured included livelihood enterprises, % income on household livelihood, record of sales, and seasonality. Qualitative and quantitative data collected were transcribed into Microsoft Excel the Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST) Excel macro program and analyzed with descriptive statistics. The % income from livelihood enterprises identified were 11.10, 40.20, 34.00, 8.10, 4.00 and 2.60 for remittance, livestock, crop, labour, business and others, respectively. The average number and live weight (Kg) of bull sold over the past 3 years were 300.67±10.89 and 180.23±17.72, respectively while cows were 50.56 ± 6.34 and 200.85 ±19.89, respectively. The total average milk yield (liters/day) ranged 180.67±7.23 to 240.26±9.34 at February and July, respectively. The average price received for milk (₦/liters) ranged 150.63±3.67 to 170.82±3.67, at January and September, respectively. The average amount of milk retained for household use (liters/day) ranged 5.28±1.78 to 8.78 ±2.86 at December and September, respectively. Seasons affects price and quantity of milk and farmers rarely sell cows. Dairy animals can sustain household income and livelihood if there is organized dairy value chain at the system level.

Cattle population, household income, livestock enterprises, milk production, seasonality.

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