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  • ISSN: 2456-8791

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Human Wildlife Conflict: Causes, Consequences and Management Strategies in Mount Cameroon National Park South West Region, Cameroon

Tangie Stanley Ndifor Attia , Tchamba .N. Martin , Tumenta Pricelia Forbuzie , Tsi Evaristus Angwafo , Mvo Denis Chuo

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.2.2.1

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


Human Wildlife Conflict is as old as agriculture in the world and in Africa in particular. The main objective was to contribute to the sustainable management of MCNP via mapping out the extent and occurrence of human wildlife conflict. Questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group discussion guide were used to determine local people’s perceptions and to identify animals causing human wildlife conflict in the four sample villages. The second method used was the line transects method (tracts for instance; footpaths or motor able roads) where bio-indicators of these species causing conflicts were recorded and on foot. The universal pacing method was used to estimate the area damaged and quantity lost. GIS technique was used to map out the spatial distribution of the conflict zones. Results revealed that elephants represented an individual percentage of 14.93 in terms of animal most involved in human wildlife conflict specifically crop raiding. The intensity of damage was higher cumulatively in rodents more than elephants and other species with occurrence from January to December with peaks being August and March. Farms closer to the protected area recorded more damage in monetary value. Cocoyam’s, cocoa, maize and plantain/banana were the most affected in terms of economic loss. Bomana village experienced 30% of cocoa loss. Cocoa and banana had a strong correlation coefficient of r= 0.8 in term of quantity damaged and distance of the conflict area from the four villages (Bomana, kotto1, kuke- kumbu and Ebie). Concerning the local perception of animals involve in HWC, most respondents (98.2%) recognized elephant as dangerous. The spatial distribution of the conflict areas revealed a high concentration of conflict in Bomana and kotto1 owing to the closeness (less than 3km) of the village to the protected area. Thus, creating community awareness of the importance of wildlife and the collaborative participation of all stakeholders in management will reduce encroachment into the park and minimize human wildlife conflict around the peripheries.

Crops Raided, Crops Raiders, Human Wildlife Conflict, Perception, Protected Area, Sustainable Management.

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