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  • ISSN: 2456-8791

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Ethnobotanic use Value Knowledge of Carapa oreophila in the Kilum Mountain Region Communities of Cameroon

NDZEDZEKA Rose , TCHAMBA Martin , BOBO Kadiri Serge , AKANGA Reuben Johnson

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.3.3.4

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


Carapa orephila, is a native species with versatile values traditionally exploited by the local population in Kilum Mountain forest area. This study focused on assessing local knowledge about the use of Carapa oreophila, Semi-structured ethnobotanical questionnaires were conducted among the ethnic groups Oku, Kom, Nso and the Borroro (Peul) in four localities of Kilum. Use values and Interviewee/resource assessment of stages of harvest among these ethnic groups and gender were evaluated. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used alongside with Stata to assess significant differences related to gender and ethnic groups. Results indicates that Carapa oreophila has a high use values as a multipurpose species. According to the consensus value for plant parts, the trunk (23.21%); branches (25.11%); fruits and seeds (9.84%); bark (9.84%); roots (9.84%); leaf (16.46%) and the gum (latex) 5.771%, were indicated with branches and trunk as the most significant. The use diversity values of Carapa oreophila showed a high proportion of domestic (UD=0.62) and therapeutic (UD=0.26) uses. The UD for these were higher for Oku and Kom (0.36 and 0.39) than Nso and the Borroro (0.16 and 0.07) ethnic groups. Comparative analysis between genders revealed that the highest UD for domestic uses (0.55) and therapeutic uses (0.24) were observed in men than women. Men of Oku and Kom had the highest level of knowledge regarding plant parts used, forms of use and the specific reasons for using Carapa oreophila. Given its multipurpose uses, we recommend the promotion and enhancement of Carapa oreophila through its domestication and seed oil production to provide significant socio-economic benefits to the local people. To this end, it is necessary to develop and implement strategies to support local communities to actively participate in the conservation and sustainable use of the species as part of the preservation of plant biodiversity lost.

Carapa oreophila, ethnobotany, consensus value.

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