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  • ISSN: 2456-8791

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on Chimpanzee Nest Location in the Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary (THWS), South West Region, Cameroon


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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.3.6.1

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


Chimpanzee nest construction has been potentially influenced by altitude and human activities. This study entitle “effects of anthropogenic activities on chimpanzee nest location in the Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary (THWS), South West Region, Cameroon,” dated June 2017-March 2018 with the objectives to investigate the construction of arboreal (night nest) and ground (terrestrial or resting nest) nests among chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti) subpopulations in the THWS, and the effects of anthropogenic activities on chimpanzee nest location. A guided reconnaissance survey “recce” walks based on the line transect method was used to obtain information on the location, altitudinal distribution, height and age of chimpanzee nests in order to determine the encounter rates of chimpanzee nesting in the THWS. The different statistical tests were conducted using XLSTAT 2007. 8. 4 statistical software for data analysis. From the result, arboreal (night nest) nests accounted for 75.86% of total nest construction while ground (terrestrial or resting nest) nests accounted for 21.14%. Chimpanzee nested most at elevated heights (mean nesting height = 15.8m) and at high altitudes (800-1000m) with very low encounter rates of logging and agricultural activities (0.13 and 0.06 signs per km respectively). Nests were constructed amongst trees of the families; Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Menispermaceae and Moraceae trees of girth 25.5 – 115cm. However, fruiting and flowering trees were most preferable. In the THWS, chimpanzees prefer to select their nesting sites mostly in the woodland and primary forests vegetation where human activities (agricultural and hunting activities) are low. Therefore, human predation appeared to be an important factor influencing chimpanzee nest location in the THWS.

Chimpanzee, Human-predation, Nest, Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary.

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