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  • ISSN: 2456-8791

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Ecotourism an approach to the sustainable conservation of biodiversity in the Benue national park of the North Region of Cameroon

Jean Baurel Atchombou , Abubakar Ali Shidiki , Martin Ngankam Tchamba , Kamgang Serge Alexis , Atoupka Abdel Malik

Article Info: Received: 28 Dec 2021; Received in revised form: 10 Feb 2022; Accepted: 21 Feb 2022; Available online:28 Feb 2022

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.6.1.3

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


This study was carried out at the buffer zones of Benue National Park in the North Region of Cameroon. The objective of the study was to assess the governance of ecotourism with an aim to promote sustainable management of biological resources. Primary data was collected with the help of semi-structured questionnaires that were administered to 125 household heads that were involved in the conservation of biodiversity in the study area. Questionnaires and interview guides were design to collect data on: (the level of participation and involvement of communities, stakeholder in the ecotourism business and modalities for participation in the conservation of biological resources). The results showed that two categories of ecotourism actors are involved: Direct actors: conservation service, MINFOF/MINTOUL, eco-guards and indirect actors: NGOs and service providers. The issue of equity remained a major concern for stakeholders, as responsibilities and decision-making among the different actors were not shared equitably. Regarding the level of community participation in ecotourism activities, 79% of stakeholders are not involved in ecotourism activities; however, 21% of stakeholders who were involved are community guards, cooks and tour guides. In ZIC (Area of Cinegetic Interest) N° 1 and 4, 31% of respondents said that only the Union of Village Wildlife Committees (COZIC) have being participating in the ecotourism business. . However, it should be noted that the governance mode most frequently observed in this protected area is dominated by the state with 83% respondents involved even though the laws and policies on ecotourism shows a participatory management of ecotourism in the protected areas.

Ecotourism, Governance, Protected areas, Local communities, Benue National Park.

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